TPS Releases Coronavirus Fact Sheet

TPS Releases Coronavirus Fact Sheet
Posted on 03/11/2020

With Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases now being reported in Ohio, Toledo Public Schools has developed an extensive question-and-answer document that will answer most questions that families have: Coronavirus FAQ sheet; Coronavirus FAQ sheet - Spanish; Coronavirus FAQ sheet - Chinese

To learn more about what the Ohio Department of Education is doing, please watch this video from State Superintendent of Public Instruction Paolo DeMaria: Coronavirus Video

Also, here is some history and facts about this virus.

The 2019 Novel Coronavirus, a new virus first reported in Wuhan, China, causes respiratory illness in people and can spread from person-to-person. The symptoms of COVID-19 infection are: fever, cough and shortness of breath.

There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is through methods similar to those we use to protect ourselves from the seasonal flu:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and then throw it in the trash
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Use an alcohol-based (60%) hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • You should not go to work and your child should not go to school if you or your child has a fever of 100.4 or greater

Please contact your physician should you or your students develop flu-like symptoms. Families that live in the Rogers, Waite and Scott High School learning communities are encouraged to visit the health clinics located in the three high schools should anyone in the family develop flu-like symptoms.

More information on the coronavirus can be found by visiting these links:

Handwash instructions