Purchase Order FAQ



  • If you cannot tell the story of the PR then there is not enough detail and it should be rejected
  • Encourage the attachment of quotes to the PRs


  • When there is a need to increase the amount of an existing PO before the goods/services have been provided
  • When there is an increase to a contract and an addendum/change order is provided
  • If the goods/services have been provided you are in a confirming situation


  • When the goods/services were provided before a PO was numbered
  • When there has been an error on a PO that would cause a confirming situation in spite of good intentions and planning, the Treasurer may at his discretion certify the PO for payment


  • When you cannot reopen a PO which was originated in a prior fiscal year and was not fully expended. Disencumbered POs that cannot be reopened or current year PO has been marked fully paid in error are also referencing
  • Can only be used for goods/services which were on the original PO
  • The amount paid on the original PO and the referencing PO amounts totaled cannot be greater than the original PO amount
  • Cannot reference blanket POs
  • Note - referencing POs are not confirming, because the original PO was open before services were provided.


  • To purchase generic supplies for a specific purpose up to $20,000. The specific dates covered need to be identified in the body of the purchase request and must be confined within one fiscal year (July 1 through June 30)
  • "Super Blanket" - same rules, but higher amounts to purchase most professional services, fuel, oil, food items, utilities and other specific recurring and reasonably predictable operating expenses. To be used by Business Office and Employee Benefits only, unless approved by the Treasurer


  • Make sure people know to make sure all payments have been made before closing


  • When a PO has been disencumbered and needs to be reopened in the same fiscal year. The funds need to be available in the account listed on the PO. E-mail your request to the Treasury Specialists with the purchase request or purchase order number. Your e-mail serves as documentation of your request
  • A fully paid PO can be reopened if it is to process a credit memo


  • Fully paid POs cannot be reopened (Refer to Referencing PO for this situation); prior year POs cannot be reopened (Refer to Referencing PO for this situation)