Toledo Public Schools is excited to introduce the Traversa Ride 360 mobile app.
This app provides secure, quick access to student routing information, which can include the bus stop, route, and bus number. Ride 360 can also utilize GPS data to give parents and guardians access to information on where their child’s school bus is, the planned bus path, and the expected time of the stop.
To download the Traversa Ride 360 app, search for Traversa Ride 360 in your Google Play Store or Apple App Store. You can also download the app via the website.
Please click the appropriate link below for an easy-to-follow guide on how to download the app and register an account. To register for an account, you are required to have your child’s 900 number. If you do not have this information, please contact your child’s school.
During the next several weeks, the Transportation Department will fully implement Ride 360. If you encounter any issues with the app download, please contact the main Transportation office at (419) 671-8541.
English Version Traversa Ride 360 - Mobile App Guide
English Version Travers Ride 360 - Parent Website Guide
Spanish Version Traversa Ride 360 - Mobile App Guide
Spanish Version Traversa Ride 360 - Parent Website Guide
Arabic Version Traversa Ride 360 - Mobile App Guide
Arabic Version Traversa Ride 360 - Parent Website Guide