Founded the Young Men Of Excellence (YMOE) organization in Toledo, designed to provide an on-going support system to increase the graduation rate at both the high school and college level; organized 16 YMOE chapters, targeting the more challenging schools and, within the first two years, honored at the national conference as Chapter of the Year
Founder of the Young Women Of Excellence (YWOE) organization in Toledo, organizing 16 chapters and attracting 400 members in the first year
Collaborated with the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of America in a partnership where the YMOE/YWOE members also become members of the scouting organizations; numbers increased for both active youth and the participation of minority students
Worked with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Toledo, the YMCA, Kids Unlimited, the Center for Hope and Common Space to write the 21st Century Grant to coordinate a well-designed after-school program for at-risk students; currently in nine schools
Worked with the YMCA to be awarded the Healthy School Grant, the Fruit & Vegetable Grant and other small grants to fund field trips
Collaborated with the United Way of Greater Toledo to implement and organize the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Program in various schools in the district, along with developing Schools as Community Hubs designed to address the social factors that plague many urban families
Worked with the University of Toledo and Penta Career Center on the UT@TPS Project to provide GED and college courses to adults at the schools during the school day; participants also receive free legal consultation and financial literacy training
Moved the YMCA and Boys and Girls Clubs into the schools for daily programming
Member of the Lucas County Head Start Task Force, initiated by the Toledo Community Foundation, to amalgamate strategic best practices into a program model as a proposal for the competitive grant bid
Member of the Citizen Review Committee for the City of Toledo Department of Neighborhoods, playing a vital role in the grant funding allocation process by reviewing applications and making funding recommendations (CDBG)
Member of the Mayor's Coalition of Hope initiative, tasked with providing a citywide action plan to curb and then eliminate youth violence