
K - 8TH

The Toledo Public Schools Transportation Department is committed to providing safe and reliable transportation for the students within our community. Yellow school bus transportation is the safest mode of transportation in the nation. The TPS Transportation Department is made up of more than 200 professionals working on the behalf of 23,000 students each year. It is our goal to ensure students who live beyond one mile from school are transported to and from school in the safest, most efficient manner.

Additional information pertaining to transportation is available by contacting your nearest TPS school. (All addresses and phone numbers for schools can be found under the Schools tab at www.tps.org). Parents and guardians wanting to determine the nearest TPS school and their students eligibility for bus service should click here: WebQuery (There is also a helpful street map). Just enter a student's information and click Go.

If a special education student has mobility problems or special health needs, transportation is provided in accordance with the student's Individual Education Plan (IEP). If you are moving and your child is receiving special transportation services, please contact your School Assistance Center as soon as possible to maintain uninterrupted service.

Students need to contribute to their safe bus ride, and therefore are responsible for complying with the following rules:


  • Students must be waiting at their assigned bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. Bus drivers are not required to wait or blow their horns at bus stops
  • Students will maintain orderly behavior while waiting for the bus to arrive
  • Students should stand and wait for your bus in an orderly fashion
  • Load and unload the bus at your designated stop in an orderly manner


  • Students must follow the directions of the bus driver/aide
  • Students must remain seated while the bus is in motion; the bus driver is authorized to assign seats as needed
  • Eating, drinking, fighting, littering and smoking are not permitted on the bus.
  • Students must keep their hands, head and all other objects inside the bus at all times
  • Noise on the bus shall be kept to a minimum; there must be absolute silence at a railroad crossing and other places of danger as specified by the driver
  • Do not be destructive or touch emergency equipment
  • Observe the same conduct as in the classroom